
Organising a move from abroad to Belgium : our tips

Many Belgians move abroad to try their luck elsewhere or to be with their families and, equally, those living abroad decide to return to live in Belgium. Regardless of the reason, arranging an international move is no easy thing and requires careful planning.

At organisational and administrative level, there are numerous things to think about. But with a tailored international removals service, the process of bringing all of your possessions back home to Belgium is greatly simplified.

Advance planning essential when transporting your possessions to Belgium

Numerous aspects need to be considered when arranging your move from abroad back to Belgium:

  • Contacting a removals service well in advance. If you use a Belgian removal firm, they will fully coordinate your return from their Belgian base, by contacting professional partners in your current country of residence in order to arrange the transportation of your things. In the case of an international move via sea or air, your possessions will arrive at the port of Antwerp or at Zaventem airport. 
  • Obtaining the relevant administrative documents in the foreign country. It’s important that the administrative documents are all in order, but they can sometimes be tricky to obtain abroad, especially in so-called “emerging” countries. So remember to take care of it in good time. The partner removal company selected will be able to provide you with assistance in this regard.
  • Completing the customs formalities. If you currently live in an EU country, you normally won’t need to pay customs duty. In a country beyond Europe’s borders, it’s likely that you will have to pay customs duty on certain goods. Seek advice from a professional company familiar with the legislation applicable there.

The Belgian regulations concerning removals

In Belgium, there are certain rules that must be followed when moving home. These include the reservation of a parking place for the lorry and the use of special equipment (hoists, etc.). You should also not forget to visit your new municipality as early as possible (within eight days) to register your residency there.

Maison Genné will support you with your Belgian move

Living abroad but planning to return to Belgium? No worries: Maison Genné can help you with this process. Contact us to get an estimate for your international move. Our team is ready and waiting to transport all your worldly goods back to our flat homeland.

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