
Business relocation: what steps do you take for a successful transfer?

Have you decided to move your Belgium company or to transfer the premises to another place? Are you wondering about the different steps involved in your relocation? Maison Genné, your licensed mover for all companies in Belgium, presents you with various tips to help you move your company across the country.

Planning the relocation of our company in Belgium

The professional move of your entire company requires planning. To do this you will need to appoint a project leader who will take over the management and coordination of the steps to follow for the company move. This person will be responsible for ensuring that the move is proceeding smoothly, as well as the choice of the new establishment until the transportation of the company’s property. Nevertheless, the project manager does not have strong experience in the transfer of premises most of the time. That’s why contacting a CBD-certified moving company is highly recommended when planning your company move.

Moving a business with or without furniture

It should be noted that moving a company is not at all easy. First you need to know if you are bringing furniture from your premises with you or if you plan to buy new ones. To be able to answer this question, think of sorting out your company’s furniture. Calling your moving company for recycling  is obviously more than recommended for this step.

How do you select your moving company in Belgium?

When you have developed and finalized the planning for your company move, contact a team of professional movers. They will help in each of the steps relating to your relocation. Certainly, you can involve your employees in this task to reduce your moving expenses. However, when it comes to the transportation, it is of paramount  importance to use real professionals, especially when it comes to industrial property. Not only will you have the satisfaction of a job well done in a careful and secure manner but in addition, you can also enjoy a guarantee on your move.

Last details to consider when moving your company

Note however that when contacting a moving company, it is necessary to check its references and if it is a member of the Belgian Chamber of Movers. A mover with good references offers you the guarantee of the professional job performed according to the different implemented security standards. Do not forget to plan your company move during the time of year when your company has a low production rate. This will save you from sacrificing the economic development of your business.

How do you move a company according to Belgian regulations?

Contact our team of experienced movers to receive further information or a quote by phone or via our online form. We will be happy to answer your request as soon as possible.

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